Alaa's Main Page

My GitHub Repo

  • Repo link
  • My Javascript Homeworks & Classworks

  • HW#1 Courses' Array.html
  • HW#2 Database.html
  • HW#3 My Clock.html
  • CW#2 Words' array.html
  • CW#3_2 inspector.html
  • CW#3_3 range_sum.js
  • CW#4 index.html
  • CW#5 file compare.html
  • CW#6 timing.html
  • CW#7 a myTable.html
  • CW#7 b myApp.html
  • CW#9 MyGraphics.html w SVG

  • Minesweeper with SVG
  • Some Interesting Websites

  • My study life application & website, super for students! have a look
  • Computer Science QA, a real treasure for engineering students! have a look
  • Free Code Camp, 1409 coding challenges, 30 projects, 6 certifications... start camping!
  • CodePen is a social development environment for front-end designers and developers. 👋 have a look